Pójdziemy tam, gdzie ja chcę / We go where I say, Eitempera und Öl auf Leinwand, 130×160 cm, 2022
Ausstellungseröffnung am Sa., 7.10.2023, von 17–19 Uhr
Anna Radzimińska – Cut Flowers
7. Okt. 2023 – 2. März 2024
Anna Radzimińska’s creatures have a slightly toxic but irresistible charm. From her tempera paintings surprising, animal- and plantlike creatures emerge. A harmless mantis cries over a dismembered butterfly, a bird with a severed head slowly goes to sleep, and a crouching tiger playfully winks at us. Using flat, vivid fields of color, Radzimińska tells us stories and fairy tales, which after a moment reveal their broader meaning.
Text: Monika Przypkowska @sztukomodnie
Kunsthandel Smidt
Dr. Julia und Dr. Thorsten Smidt
Gluckstraße 10 53115 Bonn
T. 0178 8270140
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